Good morning everybody it’s Friday again and I still want to keep you updated so you can be praying for us.

But first, I wanted to talk about year end giving. It’s about that time of year in the United States that people start thinking about making those donations for the end of the year. I wanted to share with you the mission and vision that we’re working on here. Simply put we’re trying to make disciples that can make disciples.

When I came here God asked me to educate everyone and I’m working on that. We’ve got the school of ministry up and running and I’m even doing leadership training. We keep moving forward teaching people biblically about Christ. Knowing him or knowing him better. We’re working on making disciples that can make disciples.

I’m so grateful for all the support that you guys give. I know everybody’s praying every week and there’s people who donate financially, as well. These donations make sure that we can be here and working, things like feeding the students every day, keeping the lights on, printing tracts… I do really appreciate everyone donating.

If God is leading you to make a financial donation please follow this link. You can join the team alongside us as we fight for those souls, making disciples that can make disciples.

We did that this week a few different ways. We showed the movie Gifted Hands. People were inspired and engaged by that movie. We did some pop-up soccer because many of the kids are back from school. Having fun playing with so many little children, showing them the love of Christ. We’re praying some of them are going to come to church this weekend. 

We did a game night with the dorm guys and taught him how to play 31. Plus there were birthdays this week for a few people. Peter and little Bev, and even my nephew Zach Miller’s birthday was this week too.

There’s always so much going on. I’m going to ask for special prayers this week for Carol, she is a bit sick, she’s not doing well. For the preparation for the prisons Christmas show that’s coming up. We have a round table next week talking about why do we celebrate Christmas? We’re going to show the Jesus film in luganda (the local language) and December there’s always a lot going on at church too. 

I am so grateful for your support every week and I look forward to talking to you again next week. Thank you guys, God bless.